Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Passion for transformation and dispassion for momentary pleasure can make you a very, very deep person ~ Sri Sri
The witnessing consciousness is always at rest, it is never engaged in anything. That is why the best of the best deeds performed by anyone or the worst of the worst actions do not affect the witness. It always remains untouched, unperturbed and pure ~ Sri Sri
Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person ~ Sri Sri
Neither denying nor striving helps to solve problems. Solutions happens when you are calm and collected, you use intelligence, you are not lethargic but active and You have strong faith in Divine law ~ Sri Sri
The craving in the mind stops the mind from settling down. You work because you have a desire, but if you are feverish about it you stop your mind from settling down! Inner silence is the mother of all talents. When you are silent and settled from inside, automatically your abilities and talents improve ~ Sri Sri
You know, elderly people just need your company. When you are with them, just sing, play or crack jokes and bring them food or have it with them. Talk something which is of interest to them. They are not interested in listening to wisdom from you, or learning any new techniques from you. Don't behave like a teacher with your elderly parents. Casually, you may give a few words of wisdom. Observe if they are absorbing it. Otherwise, just being with them is good enough
When your heart is filled with love, and compassion, you are so powerful. Never underestimate yourself.
You can’t take anything for granted. Every moment there is a miracle happening; every moment, there is grace; and there is something new
Even if something appears to be not so good for the moment, in the long run, something good happens out of it
Don’t need to get stuck in material belief only. Material laws are there, physical laws are there, but there is something higher than the physical laws. There is something higher than the obviously seen physical creation of names and forms. The understanding of consciousness; mind over matter, and consciousness over physical reality; this is what we need to attend to.
We should never be shy of humiliation, or of being criticized. If criticism comes, take it. Do you know, many times we hold our hands so tight; this is what I am, this is mine, mine, mine! And the moment someone criticizes us, we withdraw. We are so paranoid about the criticism of others. These are the weakest people, I tell you
If anyone anywhere humiliates you, know that it is only a plan to soften you. It is a blessing; you should walk away or through the situation with a smile
If someone criticizes you, welcome it! If there is something in it, take it. They are taking the risk of losing your friendship, and giving you a comment, or criticism.
You should know that people are there to help you in the world. Don’t see people as enemies. The foolish will look at the world as filled with enemies and hostile people. The wise will look at the world as filled with friends, and think that people are there to help.
From a wise persons’ angle, see that anyone who criticizes you is doing something good to you. They are showing you your mistake, taking the risk of losing their friendship with you. Otherwise, the common man would just say, ‘Okay, why should we lose the friendship of such and such a person? Just say good things, and bye. There is no need to point out your weaknesses.
Whenever someone criticizes you, listen to it. If the criticism has some substance, take it. If it is coming out of jealously, be compassionate towards them. That is their problem; they are working out their own jealously. They are pouring out their frustration on you. And in some sense, you are just helping them to empty their mind of frustration.
You should be able to give constructive criticism from a happy calm mind, and be able to take criticism from the same mind. This will transform your ego
Go to the source of happiness, from where joy comes. When you go to the source of happiness, the senses are strengthened, contentment comes to the mind, and things become available the way you want them. All three happen when the senses are turned inwards, and that inward turning of senses is called dispassion.
Should I do this? Should I not do that?' Divided mind is misery. One-pointed mind is joy. All those moments when you have been very happy, it is the mind becoming one whole
The Divine loves you very dearly, very deeply. Once you know this, you will relax. If you don’t know you are loved by the Divine, then insecurity dawns.
Don’t get into collecting things. Grasp the knowledge that is being given. Don’t bother about getting some piece of clothing, or some object of mine. Drop that. There is such deep knowledge being given. Grasp the knowledge, because that stays with you for many lifetimes.
Everyone here is very fortunate. Some of you stay nearby and some stay far away. But this does not mean that some are luckier than are others. Everyone belongs to me
When we see that in our life, we have received far more than what we deserve or are capable of, then gratitude dawns in us. We become thankful, complaints disappear and abundance grows.
A person who is grateful never experiences lack of anything. Who experiences a lack in life? One who thinks that ‘I am so capable yet I got nothing’.
Being grateful means all your complaints in life simply disappear
When you have this feeling in your heart that you have always received more than what you asked for, or more than what you deserved, then deep gratitude arises in you. When there is gratitude, there will never be a lack of anything in life. For such a person, whatever he wishes for will keep getting fulfilled
Whenever anything disturbs you, you feel injustice, uncomfortable, or you feel you can’t sleep or can’t handle it, remember it is all going to end! Everything is going to finish, and you will be gone from here. You will be able to sleep well. Again, this is dispassion
This is what spiritual knowledge says, that everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. Your meditation is an appointment with nothing!
Accept that you don’t know what you are, or who you are. You don’t know how much energy you have; you don’t know what you can do, and that’s it! You will see a new wave of energy gush through you, and your whole attitude, your behaviour, your perception and your expression, all will change. You must simply remove all the labels that you have, voluntarily or involuntarily, put on yourself. Got it?
All those who love perfection are prone to anger. Because you want things to be perfect, when they are not perfect, you get angry.
You can only give what you have. If you have joy, you give joy. If you have love, you give love
I feel love should be expressed, but should be hidden at the same time. When you don’t verbalize love too much it shows in your actions. Just like a seed. If you sow a seed too deep in the soil, it can’t sprout. Neither will it sprout if you keep it on the surface. You need to sow it a little beneath the soil so that it can sprout and become a plant. We need to express love but keep it a little inward, so that it oozes out in our actions
The forces in the world that divide people should be put down, and the forces which unite people need to be honored.
The whole world is full of messages of love. We just need the eye to see and take them into our own lives
One of the signs of success is a big smile, with confidence. Confidence that we can face any challenge! This confidence and a smile, indicate success, to me.
There is something much higher than these events, these happenings, and this life. There is something much more mystical. Something which is so much more real than the so-called real world. Accepting that gives life a bigger dimension. It lifts your eyes from the normal day-to-day routine worldly living, to a truth that is higher
This world is layers of layers of layers of reality; of truth. So, when you leave this body, your spirit goes and stays in another realm for quite some time, till it gets another body to come back. This life, our human life, is very precious because from this life you can merge with the Light. In this life, you can express love. The human body is very, very precious.
Do you know what happens when you meditate? You are creating a rapport with the other realms of reality. When your mind is still, when meditation is happening, you are not only purifying every cell of your own body, but you are spreading positive energy all around you. Your meditation brings peace and joy to people who have already passed and gone to the other side, which is very, very important
God is like the space in which everything comes, in which everything stays, into which everything dissolves. That can never be destroyed. And it is always there. You have no escape. You cannot go away from God at all. Impossible!
What is it you need to remember? God is omnipresent, so He is present here, now. He belongs to me, He is in me, and He is there to fulfill whatever I lack. That’s it
Life is also a game; it is a play, not a war or struggle. You should remember that. However, finally, the game will end and everybody will die. Everybody is going to die. Everybody will merge with the Light, one day or another; going round and round a few times.
In life, if you find there is a struggle, there is fight, and if it is for a good cause, just stand up and do it. If you feel it is not worth having a fight, it is not useful, then you should change your strategy; don’t be stuck, and move on
Whatever you think as more important, be it matter or material, you give more importance to it than the life. That becomes the cause of suffering.
The beautiful sceneries are here for you to look at. Great food is here for you to eat and enjoy. The whole world is here for you to enjoy, but while enjoying, do not forget yourself. You are separate from them. This is viveka (intelligence)
When you wish happiness for others, happiness will come to you. This is the law of nature. When you wish good for others, good things come back to you. When you wish bad for others, only bad things come to you. No one wants bad things to happen to them, right? This is the reason you should keep your heart pure and clear
You never doubt your anger, your depression, your sadness, your sorrow, your misery; but you doubt all the positive qualities that you have. You doubt in your capabilities - you don't doubt your incapabilities. Doubt the incapability in yourself, doubt your limitations, then the faith in your capabilities grows
Problems are there in everybody’s life. They come and go. No problem stays forever. So have this faith that I will get whatever I need and keep moving forward.
Total dedication brings enormous enthusiasm, zeal, trust and challenge and does not leave any room for ego.
Be wary of what you let into your mind. For it will determine who you are. Whatever thought you engage your mind in, the mind becomes like that
Every person has some or the other negative quality in them. And these negative qualities are also there to push your buttons, so that you become strong. Once you become strong, then they will start to change
Don’t try to increase faith. Wanting to increase faith is the problem. Know that you have as much as you need. However big is your cup, that much is already there. Relax, and you’ll find your cup is full
When you hate somebody, they occupy your mind. They are occupying a place in your consciousness, and slowly you become like them. Why you should not hate somebody is because you don’t want to be like them. This is the reason
Nothing can be an obstacle if you don’t allow it. It is you, your own mind which makes it into an obstacle.
Whenever you want to escape from a situation, and you are finding a way to get out of it, then the mind is still outward, because the mind is engaged in doing. So when the mind has to go into deep rest, for that you have to accept that there is no way. Then you drop that wanting to do something, and then the mind settles down then and there.
If you really wake up and see, one who is doing seva (service) and good things is loved by everyone. If you feel you are not loved by people, it’s not true! It’s our own illusion. Sometimes we are hard on others and sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. If you are too hard on yourself it is a problem, and if you are hard on others, then also it’s a problem. So wake up, rest and meditate. Once your mind feels fresh, your vision becomes clear
If you find you have some sins, give it to me, I will take care of it. Don’t worry about it. You give me your past and I will take responsibility of your past. You have nothing to do about it. You are relieved of your past. Forget about it. Move on to the future. The future is on a platter for you, fresh; so drop your past coat here

Friday, December 13, 2013

Enthusiasm is the baking powder of life. Without it, we are flat; with it we rise.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

You know, elderly people just need your company. When you are with them, just sing, play or crack jokes and bring them food or have it with them. Talk something which is of interest to them. They are not interested in listening to wisdom from you, or learning any new techniques from you. Don't behave like a teacher with your elderly parents. Casually, you may give a few words of wisdom. Observe if they are absorbing it. Otherwise, just being with them is good enough - Guruji
You worry about things that are happening, `Oh! Why is this
happening? Why is this person like that?' You should stop this. You
should turn and see what you are doing because you have control on what
you can do or what you are doing. You have no control on what is
happening, by others or in the situation. You know, if you stop trying
to control what is happening and have a say on what you are doing then
you become much stronger, effective, powerful, successful and happier.
That is it. -Sri Sri

If you are depressed, you are living in the past
If you are anxious you are living in the future
If you are at peace, you are living in the present

Have a great day living in the present !!
Recognize your desires as they come, and let go. This will help you
remain centered. Then nothing can shake you. Otherwise small things can
upset you or make you sad. You become upset over what? A few words from
here or there, or some insult can make you sad. - Sri Sri
The more one lacks control, the more one tries to control others, but
once, one has total control over one's self, one does not want to
control anything or anybody. It brings great freedom. Renunciation is
living in total freedom and letting total freedom dawn in everyone. -
Sri Sri
Break away from the roller coaster of emotions: joy, frustration and
stress. Apply a momentary brake to these thoughts and activities! Take a
break (in every possible sense) and meditate! Read beautiful and easy
ways to relax and rejuvenate everyday. - Sri Sri
Do what you Love and Love what you do. Happiness would become your inner

Dissolving the name is awareness. Dissolving the form is meditation. The
world is name and form. Bliss transcends name and form.
You look up at the huge sky: so many stars, the moon, the sun but if you
have just a little speck of dust in your eye, everything is concealed.
In the same way, the little 'me, me, me' covers your infinite nature,
the love without hindrance that you are. - Sri Sri
A flower can't break. What breaks is the bud, and it breaks for
good. What you thought was love, was not love. In true love there is no
heartbreak. A broken heart means broken demands, broken expectations and
broken hopes. ~ Sri Sri
Every breath you breathe will be filled with thankfulness when you realize
God is your Protector and Healer.
My job is not to satisfy you but to make you restless to get the Highest knowledge. In that restlessness you achieve awareness. - Sri Sri
Once there is a distance between you and your thought process, a new
freedom is born. With this freedom, a new perception arises.
See -- a flower blooms; what is the purpose of beauty? What is the
purpose of joy? There is no purpose to joy; it is the end in itself.
You may say it's strange. Life when lived in its totality is the end in
itself and beginning in itself. Love, joy, beauty -- all that is
precious and valuable in life is really beyond value, beyond meaning,
beyond purpose. - Sri Sri
Neither does the sun rise nor does the sun set, in the same way we are not born and we never die. We remain, we stay; that aspect of our consciousness is what we need to latch on to and that is the spiritual path; that's it! - Sri Sri
God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost.
If he ask you to put something down, he will ask you to pick up something
See suppose you do some help to somebody, and they don't thank you, what happens to you? You feel sad? Unhappy? If they don't say thank you, does not matter, at least you do not lose your happiness. This is exactly what it is expectations reduce joy. Anything that comes to you, as a surprise gives you joy. Isn't that so? - Sri Sri
Parents play a critical role in helping their child cope with pressure in a positive manner. If a child is dealing with failure, and you as a parent also express your sorrow, it will elevate the challenge. Allow the child to make mistakes - and learn from these mistakes. - Sri Sri
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making
the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Make friends
with uncertainity..:)))
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making
the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Make friends
with uncertainity..:)))
You don't know your mind; your own mind drives you crazy. One minute it wants something and the next minute it wants something else. The mind keeps changing its mind all the time, and it gets caught up. That is why in the Bhagavad Gita, there is a saying, 'Your own mind is responsible for your bondage and for your liberation,' there is nothing else. - Sri Sri
Your Vision will become Clear when YOU look into your Heart.
Who looks Outside Dreams
Who looks Inside Awakens
Life is like a flute. It may have many holes and Emptyness in it, But If
you work on it carefully , it can play magical melodies .
FAITH is like a standby GENERATOR. It gives you POWER when everything else
Clouds are just hovering in the sky. In the same way, in our inner sky, there are three akashas – one is the outer space, the second is the inner space where thoughts and emotion come, and there is the third space which is a witness. Where there is nothing, just bliss. - Sri Sri
What we need to do is take a look at all that we have received and be grateful. We have received so much in our lives. And whatever we need to receive in the future, we will receive that as well. Of this you should be confident. So, be grateful for what you have received. - Sri Sri
It is all in your own eyes, how you view the world. If you think that
everyone is a fraud then your behavior towards everybody will be rude
and unpleasant, and you will be part of that. This is why there is a
saying - As is your vision so is the creation. As you envisage, so the
creation becomes - Yatha Drishti Tatha Shrishti - Gurudev
The first step to gain confidence is to know that you don't know yourself. When you think that you know yourself, only then do you attach yourself with all these negative events and qualities. But when you wake up and see that, `Hey, I don't know myself', then it is a new beginning. Then you will discover that there are so many strengths within you that you were not aware of - Sri Sri
Don't judge others. You never know. Do you know yourself? Do you know when you are compassionate, or when you are harsh? You don't know! Sometimes you are harsh with people, and you justify your being harsh. You say, 'They deserved it.' Don't you think so? And sometimes when you are compassionate then also you justify your compassion, isn't it? So you don't know your own emotions and your own behavior, then why would you judge someone else, and why would you judge everybody? - Sri Sri
This entire universe is nothing but vibrations. It is all made up of waves, vibrations, and energy. When your vibrations do not match with the vibrations of others you call it negative, and when your vibrations match with other vibrations, it is harmonious and you call it bliss - Sri Sri
Life is a fine balance between the emotions and the intellect. When to
use what, is the real wisdom. And how do you gain that wisdom? The
answer is meditation, meditation and meditation. - Sri Sri
Very true ....Meditation with Gurudev for past 3 days ...in total
bliss...beyond words....
Meditation is a better form of prayer. In prayer you are asking for something. Meditation is saying, `I am ready to listen'. Just imagine if somebody only keeps on asking and is not ready to listen to you. Don't you get frustrated? In the same way, God also gets frustrated but when you sit for meditation, and ready to listen to him, He bestows all the favors to you - Sri Sri
The Body is a House given to you for Rent. The Owner is GOD. Live there so
long as HE wills, paying HIM the Rent of Faith & Devotion
The past should be viewed as destiny. If you think you had a choice in the past, the present will be spoiled because you regret the past. Continued regret about the past creates a lot of toxins in the body, the future is not bright. See the past as destiny, the future as free will, and live in the present moment. - Sri Sri
The past should be viewed as destiny. If you think you had a choice in the past, the present will be spoiled because you regret the past. Continued regret about the past creates a lot of toxins in the body, the future is not bright. See the past as destiny, the future as free will, and live in the present moment. - Sri Sri
Happiness is when desires end and sharing begins. The direction in which
life tends to flow is Happiness.
When you feel anger inside, do you notice the sensation? Forget about the other person. It is the sensation which is giving you trouble. When you focus on the sensation, it gets dissolved. - Sri Sri
Forget your own unhappiness by creating a little happiness for others.
Because when you are good to others, you are the best to yourself.
Drop your laziness and don't be too choosy. Whatever work you get, take it up and do it. Do not think it is beneath your dignity. Do not think you are not successful. Every work is attached with honor and dignity.- Sri Sri
We think we are very good people and when difficulties arise we assume that the Divine is testing us. We don't get into trouble because of our goodness: it is because of our foolishness. Some things are your karma. Some difficulties teach you lessons. Look back and see all those problems you have come out of. You will see that you have become stronger. This is what you should recognize. - Sri Sri

If you have had some losses, why do you want to lose your smile also along with it? If you have lost in the share market, you should at least keep your smile. Otherwise it is a double loss. And then a third loss will also happen, i.e., the loss of your health - Sri Sri
Your mind is completely destroyed thinking about other's
imperfections. Leave other's imperfections to others. Let them handle
that. You handle your mind, you handle your imperfections, that is good
Silence can bring skill in communication. Every person who gets angry
has some justification for their anger. They think that they are
correct. Do you see what I am saying? Behind anger is the demand for
justice, and intolerance for injustice. So anger is good, it is
essential, but only to wake you up. After that, the anger needs to be
given a direction of creativity otherwise the same anger can burn you -
Sri Sri
When you go to bed, don't be "somebody" and sleep. Be a cloud of light, a glow of a candle, full of life, alive. Sri Sri
Don't judge and don't worry about what others think of you.
Whatever they think, it is not permanent. Your own opinion about things
and people keeps changing all the time. So why worry about what others
think about you? Worrying takes a toll on the body, mind, intellect and
alertness. This can be handled by relaxing and doing some breathing
exercises. Then you will realise that you are loved, you are a part of
everybody and you are a part of the whole universe. This will liberate
you and the mind will take a complete shift. You will then find so much
harmony around. - Sri Sri
 We should never be shy of humiliation, or of being criticized. If
 criticism comes, take it. Do you know, many times we hold our hands so
 tight; this is what I am, this is mine, mine, mine! And the moment someone
 criticizes us, we withdraw. We are so paranoid about the criticism of
 others. These are the weakest people, I tell you. - Sri Sri
All of you must see that the words that you use do not hurt other people. If you have said something that hurts somebody, and if they are crying, then it is going to affect you somewhere
We should keep aside at least three per cent of whatever we earn, and use it for the society. Then the money that we earn will become purified. If we use whatever we earn for our self only, then that is not the best utilization of money. So, we must use a little portion of our earnings for the society
If you are hurting anybody, you are hurting God. If you love God, then you should not hurt anybody.
It is spirituality which makes you sincere, makes your heart open up. It is lack of spirituality that makes people go to drugs or alcohol or other vices
If a tense person is around you will find tension. Anybody who is around a tense person will also feel tensed. But a person who meditates, he spreads his influence around him, it is more pleasing more clam more loving.
Let go and you will find that desires just happen. The more you hang onto them, the more you hold on and crave for it, the longer it takes.
Fulfilment is so beautiful. The one who is satisfied even before their desires are fulfilled, knowing that all their needs are taken care of, peace and joy will be given to that person
The mind is the biggest mystery. Your own mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. The mind is responsible for our happiness as well as misery. When the mind is in the present moment, everything appears to be beautiful. However, when the mind is a mess; even in the best of places, it can find a thousand reasons to be miserable
In the Bhagavad-Gita, it is said that there are three doors to hell. The first door is anger. How to control anger? Postpone expressing it. The second door to hell is greed. The third door is being obsessive; lust. The mind is obsessed with lust and doesn’t care for others; that creates huge problems.
Change the whole attitude from, ‘What I can take from the world; how much pleasure I can get’, to, ‘How much more can I contribute to the world; how much I can be of use to the world.’ Do you see the difference? It is from being self-centered to selflessness. So, when we take the second stance, our own worries will simply disappear and abundance will flow.
We have these problems all over the world; depression, domestic violence, and societal violence. This is because we have forgotten to connect with ourselves, and connect with everybody around us. This is the only thing which makes our life worth living.
"We all need to learn how to calm our minds when we are agitated. Now you might say, ‘Yes, I know this in my head, but how to bring it practically into my day to day life. I know it is bad to get upset, annoyed or depressed. How should I not do it?’ This is where meditation and breathing techniques come in handy. They are the tools that help you calm your mind, and you feel happy from within. When you are happy, you can only do what is good for everybody."
They say there is so much energy in the body that it is enough to supply electricity to the all of New York for six months, without interruption. To bring up that energy, we just need to do pranayama; Bhastrika.
Increase your desires for the large things in life, not small things. It is the desire for small things that causes problems. If you have to have desires, ask for the highest, that is, the Supreme Being. Seek to make the whole Universe your own, desire for everyone’s happiness in this Universe
When desires are big they are no longer detrimental. When you desire for truth, when you are committed to truth, the mind becomes calm and clear. Small desires give rise to restlessness, but desire for the highest truth settles the mind. Restlessness is something that brings pain.GURU PUNCH
Doubt means that your Prana (subtle life force or energy) has not blossomed fully; it has not reached its peak. The Prana has gotten stuck somewhere in the body. When you are full of Prana, all doubts automatically disappear. That is why when you are very happy, there are no doubts in your mind. When you are deeply in love, no doubts arise in you
Doubt means that you partially believe something, and you partially disbelieve it also. If you disbelieve something completely, then there is no doubt, and if you believe something completely, then too you will not have any doubt at all. So a doubt arises when you both believe and disbelieve something.
Faith is like a mountain and doubts are like clouds. Can any cloud anytime shake a mountain? It is impossible. It sometimes covers the mountain, and you can’t see the mountain. That’s all. But a mountain can never be knocked out by passing clouds
When you are unhappy,you are just coming in touch with your own boundaries.Turn the whole situation into a prayer & you will walk through it.
No one will ever ask you to surrender your good virtues. You surrender your pride and negative qualities to him. By surrendering to him, you become so light. So this is a process to help you feel light from inside
Your concept in the mind that things should be a certain way causes pain in the mind. The cause of distress is set concepts in the mind. The art of living is to gain this simple ability in life - just a skill: the ability to free your mind of the past, to free your mind of future fears, and to be able to play with every situation that is in front of you.
Love is preserved by wisdom, destroyed by demand, tested by doubt, nourished by longing. It blossoms with faith and grows with gratitude. Love is the essence of the universe. Love in action is service. You are Love
Keep your attention inward and realize that you are very dear to God. You are no less than anyone else my dear. If this one thought gets solidified in your mind, then jealousy will not touch you
Faith is like a mountain and doubts are like clouds. Can any cloud anytime shake a mountain? It is impossible. It sometimes covers the mountain, and you can’t see the mountain. That’s all. But a mountain can never be knocked out by passing clouds. They just obscure them for a little while. Don’t worry!
Astrology is a science, an ancient gift to the world, but too much into it is also ignorance, and discarding it totally is also ignorance. Knowledge of it is good but ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is the best remedy to all astrological problems.
Set a goal and then change them because you find it’s too small a goal, then you set a bigger goal.
Relationship means adjustment, it is giving. But at the same time leave some room for the other partner to give. This needs a little skill - to make the other also contribute without demanding. If you demand, the relationship is not going to last long. Demand and blame destroy love.
Be happy and spread happiness. I want you to go deep in knowledge, and be one of those who are a giver to the world; one who radiates happiness, knowledge and wisdom. This is what I want you to do. Among the billions of people on the planet, even if a few radiate wisdom, love and happiness, you can heal this planet. It is a much needed healing. You are very precious to this planet, at this time. Get into the seva team, and so some service
If you feel low, appease and please yourself. Your need to be appeased by someone else is the sign of grossness. This is the root of ignorance. If you want attention, all you get is tension.
Sometimes in Navratri we fast, and in the name of fasting, we feast. People say, ‘We will not eat any grains, we will only have potato’, and we eat French fries and everything else. ‘We will not have rice, but we will only have idly.’ This is cheating I tell you. Real fasting does not include eating halwas (sweet dish) and puris (fried pancakes). It is a wrong type of fasting. You should not fast like that
Love and pain go hand in hand. Because you love someone, even a small action can hurt you. And in hurt, you feel very delicate, very deep. Love and separation create the same symptoms. If you don’t love somebody, you will never feel hurt by them. Understand and accept this. Then hurt will not turn into a sore feeling. Rather, that very hurt will take you deep into dispassion and meditation
You like someone to be very honest, open, natural, unassuming with you. That is exactly what others also want from you. If you are a boss, what type of assistants or subordinates would you like? Someone who is open. And that is also what your boss wants. Don’t try hard to impress your boss, or impress your girlfriend or boyfriend. That is when everything goes wrong. The best is to be yourself, natural, to be forgiving and to be in the present moment. It makes a big difference
In favourable situations your mind is outward, so at least in unfavourable situations you can turn your mind inward and utilize this time for prayer and meditation
The Art of Living is, changing from negative to positive thinking, from a complaining mindset to a compassionate mindset, from a stressful face to a smiling face, from stress to serenity. This can be done by attending to your breath and meditation.
Don’t be feverish about a relationship, just relax and you will find your relationship with people will improve and become better. If you are like a leech, clinging on to somebody and bugging them, even though you say all nice words, that person will run away from you because they can’t handle it. One aspect is to give love, and another is to know how to handle love, receive love as well
For the short span of life that we are on this planet, we must smile more and spread happiness.
Life is like a tree. Just like how the roots are old and the branches are new, in the same way, life needs ancient wisdom and modern scientific knowledge, both together.
It is only when one becomes centered within oneself that great strength dawns. Such strength is free from the negativity of craving and feverishness and is beyond them. That alone is true strength.
When we care for the planet, when we care for people around us, when we stretch our hands and become available to all those who are in need, then depression disappears from life. Such education or awareness is seen as an urgent need today because depression, according to the World Health Organization, is going to be the biggest killer in the coming decade.
Attachment means having a limited vision. A mother gets so attached to her child that her vision for the child becomes very limited. This is the difference between love and attachment. Attachment only gives pain. It promises happiness but in reality does not give any happiness. Having a desire for happiness but experiencing misery is what attachment is.
One thing you must know is that Life moves in the direction of the best. On the way you may find rough roads, but it is towards the better.
Look at the noise in your mind. What is it about? Money? Fame? Recognition? Fulfillment? Relationships? The noise is about something; silence is about nothing. Silence is the basis; noise is the surface
Many thoughts come and go in the mind. You would be surprised at the kind of thoughts that come to your mind. You become so nervous due to some thoughts of your mind. But you should know that thoughts come and go. So it does not carry any meaning. We are far greater than our thoughts. So just know this and relax
Always remember this: Nature will never confront you with a problem you cannot solve. You already have the answer; that is why the question appears in front of you.
A game is where you win and lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming. The game has value when it is tough. So, some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game.
Love can be transferred to the farthest star by just your loving look, to a tree just by your touch. It can be conveyed in absolute silence, without a single word.
It has never happened that someone who has done wrong has not suffered for it. Misery is the fruit one has to bear for doing wrong deeds. And when one experiences misery, it makes them go inward and they are transformed.
To come out of loneliness, you make friends but coming together in knowledge is rare. Be a friend in knowledge and uplift each other. When the mind transcends the senses, it comes back to its true nature, which is innocence - 'in no sense'
Those whose karmas are good have this firm belief, ‘God is with me at all times. My Gurudev is with me, and I have all the inner strength that I need’.
Those who have faith in God, Guru and the Self do not fear anything at all. They are able to sleep peacefully. They will engage themselves completely in whatever they do (without any doubt). This is because they have faith (in their abilities) and they know that they have the support of the Divine in everything that they do.
Those who surrender to the Divine with a feeling of contentment and with a deep sense of gratitude are the wise (jnani) ones. Such people do not feel the need for anything. They feel that even before they could ask, they received everything. Even before they could feel thirst, water was given.
Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A wise person is one who feels that he has received much more than what he deserves. When this realization dawns in a person, he is filled with love, gratitude and contentment, and spontaneously seeks refuge in the Divine.
There can be no contentment without knowledge. Without knowledge there can be no gratitude. Those who are not content keep on demanding something or the other.
A wise person is one who feels that he has received much more than what he deserves. When this realization dawns in a person, he is filled with love, gratitude and contentment, and spontaneously seeks refuge in the Divine. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
There can be no contentment without knowledge. Without knowledge there can be no gratitude. Those who are not content keep on demanding something or the other. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
In that gratefulness, everything grows, life grows. Similarly if you just concentrate on lack, lack will grow. Feel grateful about whatever nature has bestowed upon you. Have faith that this entire creation loves you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Having faith in oneself, faith in the society, and faith in that invisible power which is present everywhere, is important. And all these three faiths are one, they are not separate from each other. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Be indifferent to anybody insulting you. Allow them to insult you, so what? Stand up to criticism; we should not breakdown when someone criticizes us. If the criticism is coming out of jealousy, frustration, or anger, it is good to practice indifference at that time. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Doubt means that your Prana has not blossomed fully; it has not reached its peak. The Prana has gotten stuck somewhere in the body. When you are full of Prana, all doubts automatically disappear. That is why when you are very happy, there are no doubts in your mind. When you are deeply in love, no doubts arise in you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday, December 9, 2013

"A successful man has the following qualities: A smile that doesn't die; patience; fearless mind; love; self-confidence; love for everybody." Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"A successful man has the following qualities: A smile that doesn't die; patience; fearless mind; love; self-confidence; love for everybody." Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Celebration does not have to be outside work. Anything you do, do with an attitude of celebration. It’s much less tiring, less draining on your system and more elevating. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
What is it that God does not have? He does not have problems, miseries and difficulties; and that is what he asks you to give him. Can you not give this to him? So surrender all your negative qualities to him. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Stability in the mind, sharpness in the intellect, and softness in the heart, these three things are important in life. The heart should be soft, the intellect should be sharp and the mind should be pleasant. Never lose these three things. Even if it seems to be lost, just think that it is just hidden somewhere and it has not actually gone away. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Pain is a part of love and you should simply swallow the bitter pill. It is good for you. Do not try to run away from the pain. If you run away from the pain, you also run away from love.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Just think that those who hurt you are either foolish or ill. If you think like this, then you will not feel hurt. Okay? If you think that everyone should act wisely, how is it possible? Everyone has their own little mind, own desires, problems and ignorance. Just accept them. No one can hurt us until we permit them to do so. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Just think that those who hurt you are either foolish or ill. If you think like this, then you will not feel hurt. Okay? If you think that everyone should act wisely, how is it possible? Everyone has their own little mind, own desires, problems and ignorance. Just accept them. No one can hurt us until we permit them to do so. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Don’t think that only if you are knowledgeable, God become happy with you or become fond of you. It is not like that. The purpose of knowledge is for your own joy. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Generosity is independent of external circumstances. It is not an act but it will always find its expression in an act. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
There is no happiness in the world which you can't get by being on path of wisdom. Once you taste this nectar, everything else feels bitter. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Passion when you work, dispassion when you turn inward, and compassion all the time, is the key. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Success means crossing a limit. To cross a limit you need to assume that you have a limit. Assuming a limit is underestimating yourself. If you have no boundaries, then where is your success? Anyone who claims to be successful only reveals his limitation. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
A person who intensely craves for someone or has too much hatred for someone, such a person falls into the trap of Moha (attachment). All living creatures are affected by this, and all of them suffer because of this very reason. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Bad incidents give you confidence that you can sail over tough times and good incidents give you confidence about your abilities. You must see what you can learn from each situation. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
When you love somebody unconditionally, do not express it all at once. They will run away. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Seva (service) is the most effective antidote to depression. The day you feel hopeless and horrible, get out of your room and ask people, "What can I do for you?". The service you do will bring a revolution inside you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Don’t look at outwardly behaviour, instead keep your attention inward and realize that you are very dear to God. You are no less than anyone else my dear. If this one thought gets solidified in your mind, then jealousy will not touch you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Love is at its peak when no effort is made, whatsoever, to express it at all. When you don’t try to express it in so many words, then your whole being speaks that love. I am not saying you should not express it - sometimes; otherwise you may burst! I’m just telling you there is a beauty in not making effort to express it. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
See people beyond their expressions. What a person expresses is not what they're all about. There is a lot of unexpressed love in each life. Just recognizing this, your heart expands; then, you’ll never be stuck with what someone says or does. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
A person who is grateful never experiences lack of anything. Who experiences a lack in life? One who thinks that ‘I am so capable yet I got nothing’. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Being grateful means all your complaints in life simply disappear. When you have this feeling in your heart that you have always received more than what you asked for, or more than what you deserved, then deep gratitude arises in you. When there is gratitude, there will never be a lack of anything in life. For such a person, whatever he wishes for will keep getting fulfilled. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
If in the relationship, both come from a sense of giving then there will be no problem. But if both want to take, there will be fights for sure. ‘I am here to contribute, what I can do for you?’ - your relationship will last longer with this attitude. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Don’t be feverish about a relationship, just relax and you will find your relationship with people will improve and become better. If you are like a leech, clinging on to somebody and bugging them, even though you say all nice words, that person will run away from you because they can’t handle it. One aspect is to give love, and another is to know how to handle love, receive love as well. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Every person has some or the other negative quality in them. And these negative qualities are also there to push your buttons, so that you become strong. Once you become strong, then they will start to change. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Just like how the air comes and blows everything away, in the same way, all of life’s events come and go. But what is important is that you should not get stuck anywhere, move ahead. Just become hollow and empty, and then you will be joyful. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
You should just keep moving on in life. Whatever happens, just keep moving ahead, like air. The air never stops at one place, it keeps moving; water keeps flowing. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
If he can do it, why not me?', this thought separates you from people and causes commotion; complications arise, jealousy arises. You start to show off and lose your naturalness. Drop all complications, don't show off. Fulfilment is so beautiful. The one who is satisfied even before their desires are fulfilled, knowing that all their needs are taken care of, peace and joy will be given to that person. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
I am telling you that whatever has happened, just drop it and move ahead. Do not sit and regret about what has happened – neither about what you have done, nor about what others did. If you keep thinking about what you did, then you feel regret, and if you think about what others did wrong, then you get angry and worried. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Whatever has happened in the past, just shrug it off and move ahead. When you dust away all the dirt (of the past) that has accumulated inside you, then you will simply start shining. You become much stronger, your consciousness blossoms, and happiness starts to flow. Then you can say that you are alive. This is what life really is. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
We want to see everything perfect in others but we forget to look at ourselves. We do not reflect on ourselves. Reflect on yourself but then don’t get too entangled into the analysis. Do not overdo it. You have some good qualities and some not so good qualities, it is okay. Just keep moving ahead. Some things are fine, some are not, and it does not matter. You should simply keep moving forward. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Life is combination of both, your free will and what is destined. Some things are in your control and some other things are not. You cannot say that nothing is in my control, and you can’t say that everything is in my control either, both are incorrect. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
If you don't have a relationship with yourself, all other relationships become shallow. And if your relationship with yourself is so profound and steady then you naturally develop the skill to handle any kind of relationship around you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Anxiety about the outcome of your action is what pulls you down. But when we perform some actions as an expression of joy and do not bother about the result, the action itself brings fulfillment. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Desire and ambition, suppressed, fermented, become anger. Like milk becomes yogurt, desire ferments and becomes anger. Anger fermented becomes passion, attachment - ʺmohaʺ. Moha means you are attached to somebody, in spite of all your misery. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Life teaches you the art of letting go in every event. When you have learnt to let go, you will be joyful and as you start being joyful, more will be given to you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Ego is weight. By your weight, you hurt others. When you become heavy you fall down. One who is weightless is wise. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Love is the highest vibration. Allow yourself to receive love unconditionally from others. Give love from your heart unconditionally to yourself and others and you will experience the highest state of consciousness possible. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
In the world, people are either dreaming of happiness or remembering happiness. That is either being in the past or the future. But happiness is that which is in the present. And it is your very nature. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
To me, success is the smile that doesn’t die out. It is the confidence that doesn’t wither away. It is the confidence that one can maintain in any situation in life, even when situations are tough; this indicates success. You need four things for success - shakti, yukti, bhakti, and mukti i.e.energy, skill, devotion or dedication, and a sense of freedom from within you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Trying times bring the best out of you. The rewarding time gives the best of the world to you. Life is combination of both, move on with zeal. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar